Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Patriotic Chicken Strips

Happy Fourth of July everyone!

Today's lunch is fancy: chicken strips.  I titled this Patriotic Chicken only to be extra American today.  There is nothing really patriotic about them.  I mean, fried chicken is pretty American, right?  I didn't fry these, but you could.

Chicken Strips

2 large boneless, skinless chicken breasts
1/3 c. flour
1 t. garlic powder
1 t. salt
1 t. pepper
1 egg
splash of milk
1 c. bread crumbs

Preheat your oven to 450 degrees.

I rinsed my chicken off, cut off any fatty bits, and then cut it into strips.

Then a poured the flour onto a plate and mixed in all the seasonings.  I have a Mrs. Dash season mix which is Fiesta Lime.  Basically, it's paprika and cayenne and some other stuff.  I wanted strips with a kick so I add a Tablespoon of that stuff.

In a bowl, I mixed up the egg and a splash of milk.  I also added a few splashes of hot sauce.  I was just in a spicy mood.  I suppose mustard would also be good to add to the egg mixture.

I poured the bread crumbs onto another plate.  If you don't have bread crumbs, you can always smash up cereal like corn flakes or Chex.
Assembled and ready for chicken!

 Here comes the fun/messy part!  Dredge the chicken through the flour.
Really season the flour!  It helps.
Dunk them in the egg.
Look, my fingers!

Move onto the bread crumbs and coat them.
Can you even tell what's going on?

Place onto a cookie sheet or baking sheet.  I greased mine up just to be on the safe side.
I swear, I only cut up two chicken breasts!
Doesn't it look like a lot?

Slide the chicken in the oven close to the top to crisp up for about 10 minutes.  After the first 10 minutes, I flipped each of the pieces, and then moved the pan to a lower rack for another 20-ish minutes.

I can't wait to have this again for dinner!
Let them cool for a bit, hopefully they turn out as juicy as mine.  I did use mustard salad dressing for dipping sauce, and I have to say, this is the best thing I've made in a while.

1 comment:

  1. I've always had a fondness for chicken strips dinners...
