Monday, June 25, 2012

Chocolate Chip Cookies

First, let me just tell everyone about my weekend.  I basically worked all day Friday between both jobs and just passed out that night.  Bright and early at 6am on Saturday, the fire alarms went off in my building.  I threw on a sweatshirt and went outside with all the other residents to wait for everything to be taken care of.  We all went back in, and I tried to go back to sleep.  The alarms went off again at 7:30!  This time I put on sweatpants and a sweatshirt and went to a diner.  There was no chance of me going back to bed so I treated myself to coffee, a waffle and bacon.  I came back to my room and went to sleep for a couple of hours.

Now this morning, I couldn't sleep anymore so I was baking cookies around 9.  Just as I was about to slip the first batch into the oven, the fire alarm went off again.  I panicked slightly that it was my fault.  It was not, but I was so annoyed by it all over again.  I appreciate that Stony Brook's alarms are indeed working, but this was ridiculous!

Chocolate Chip Cookies

2 sticks of butter, softened
3/4 c. sugar
3/4 c. brown sugar
1 egg
1 t. vanilla

2 1/4 c. flour
1 t. baking soda
chocolate chips

Preheat your oven to 375 degrees.

One, make sure your butter is really softened.  I don't know what I was thinking this morning when I just took mine out of the fridge and went at it.  I was impatient?  (Another note: at home, I follow a recipe from this very old and battered Betty Crocker Kids Baking Book which uses half butter and half shortening.)

Cream together the butter, sugars, egg and vanilla in one mixing bowl.  Of course, my not-soft-butter took extra coaxing.  It's a good thing I hadn't done an arm workout in a while.

Cold butter.  No bueno.

In a separate bowl, combine the flour and baking soda.

I have whole wheat flour only because it comes in smaller bags.
I get scared I won't use it all.

Slowly start to incorporate the dry ingredients with the wet ingredients.  Add as many chocolate chips as you wish.  I used chocolate chunks to be cool.
And eat!  Just kidding, bake if you wish.

Place spoonfuls of the dough onto an ungreased baking sheet and pop them into the oven for about ten minutes.  The bottoms should look firm and browned.  Transfer to a college style cooling rack.

And this is when the fire alarm will go off.
Yum and hooray!  You weren't the one to set off the fire alarms, hopefully.  I'm taking this to tour guiding tomorrow.  We give two tours a day, and we're all always starving after the first so I'll be bringing sustenance again.
Let's remember our patience, and let them cool.

1 comment:

  1. I'm starving...bring me some!!!!! Whoops almost time for dinner, but hey, we're adults, we can eat whatever whenever especially when there's no little kids around..Right?!
