Friday, August 17, 2012

My apologies!

So I had been pretty diligent with blogging the summer, until these last few weeks hit.  I've been working often and also had to move out of my apartment.  Since I knew I was moving out, I just ate cereal and peanut butter and jellies to finish the rest of my food in the fridge.  My apologies, I couldn't be a fancy college cook.

However, I am currently in Rochester staying at a friend's house.  I promise to upload photos from my trip including things I've eaten.

School is also starting soon, and I know I will hardly be cooking.  I'll try to update anyway with my goings-ons.

Happy rest of summer vacation everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Nice transition Peach! Maybe when you and friends gather to cook and eat, you'll post then/them and the food of course. Safe travels, Mom
